The cellphone providers of bangladesh provides internet service via GPRS/EDGE, but they don't provide the services to use the internet service. Im talking about all the potential and appealing services to users, like POP/IMAP/SMTP mail server, Email Push service, Chat/presence service via IMPS/Wireless Village, Phonebook/calendar/notes synchronisation etc. These would have benefitted the users as well as making the carriers' pockets heavier (i know they are already pretty heavy). Grameenphone,Warid and Aktel provides MMS services, where Teletalk and BAnglalink are lagged behind. While inter-operator SMS Services are available for quite a long time, inter-operator MMS Services are not still implemented between Grameenphone/Teletalk/Aktel/Warid/Banglalink. Nontheless, its still possible to send Pictures/Audio clips between different cellphone carriers, and a somewhat MMS service for Teletalk/Banglalink can be achieved. To send pictures, you will need to send them as emails from your phone. most of the modern phones available in bangladeshi market has buit-in Email clients, but most users has no idea how to use them. to use email function, users need POP/IMAP/SMTP server address, where they usually put down their yahoo/hotmail email address and as usual they dont work. Its beacuse these free webmail providers don't give access to POP/IMAP/SMTP servers to their free users. Gmail provides these services free of use, but due to SSL/TLS certificate problems, many phones can't connect to wonderful and secure Gmail servers. So, what to do? You will need an email provider that supports free POP/SMTP or IMAP/SMTP access or both without using SSL. Unfortunately, these kind of servers get abused a lot and usually get drowned due to abuse by spammers. Despite thes, to free email providers has survived for long; and These two providers support free POP/SMTP access to free users, and of them, is my favourite one because it shows less advertisement.
So, how do you send MMS like email?
Simple. Signup for free accounts at and find their respective POP/IMAP/SMTP server addresses.
Next, setup your phones built-in email client according to your mail server details.
Send any picture/audio clip/video clip as email attachment to your desired destination. (Did i mention that your desired destination will also need to setup an email account on his/her phone? its a bit awkward, but hey, youwill be enjoying teletalk/banglalink MMS as well as inter-operator MMS between Grameenphone/Teletalk/Aktel/Warid/Banglalink
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